Instrument tracks only in stereo ?


I’m studying the possibility to use Instrument tracks instead of racks + MIDI tracks.
But I can’t manage to use them in a surround context, they are desperately stereo only. If I route the output to a 5.1 bus for example, the track is still in stereo (the two circles icon), and when I want to insert a surround plugin, its inputs and outputs are in stereo. Only the Vumeter is in 5.1 (but only the L and R channels have activity).

My goal is to have instrument tracks hosting Kontakt instruments or synths, and insert on them MIR pro plugin in order to spatialize them and have a 5.1 output.

Am I missing something ?
I use10.5



I don’t know of any surround sound synths, there might be some content in Kontakt. from my time in post normally music would be stereo then I used an upmix plugin to make it surround sound

As far as I understand, Cubase sets the number of outputs of the track according to the number of outputs of the instrument plugin, which is a bad design according to me.
I can do a dumb workaround for Kontakt (setting 1 output of 6 channels as default, close then reload, then add a matrix filter before MIR), but Im’ screwed with stereo-only instruments (like Massive, Zebra…).

How would you like to see it working with the stereo-only-Instruments? I mean - if those dont provide surround outputs how should cubase create a surround singal out of them?

I agree Cubase can’t create alone a surround signal out of stereo-only instruments. But an insert plugin could (like MIR), and Cubase doesn’t let me do, which is bad. We should have a configuration button to force the number of outputs, then the user is free to do what he wants (even errors…).

you should be able to insert a 5.1 surrodun reverb as an insert on a stereo VI track (feature request !!). At least there should be an option to let us decide if we want “2.0 to 5.1” insert fx or normal “2.0 to 2.0” and if we choose the first option, a panning solution would have to be automatically added, allowing us to choose a panning position how we want to send the stereo signal to the 5.1 insert fx…

If you route the output of the instrument to a surround bus you should be able to use surround plugins on that bus:

I’ve been spending the past couple of days on this bug and getting increasingly confused. It seems clear that Nuendo does not call setBusArrangements when adding an instrument track, so the instrument plugin has no way of knowing what kind of bus it is inserted on. I’m using JUCE and Nuendo 12. And the trial license for Nuendo 12 is about to expire, so I might have to just not support Nuendo / Cubase if nobody has a quick fix to offer.

@Armand and other SB technical people. I’d love to get some clarity on this.
Why are these surround outputs not supported in VSTi3 this day and age?
We now have atmos in every other daw and synths (skydust3d) all over the place that support it. I would really love to be able to use this for a sampler like Radium (from Soundminer). They can’t build a plugin that scales the bus/‘stem’ outputs from stereo to 5.1…
Please look into this or explain why this is not doable. thanks!

Cubase creates automatically an instrument track return with the arrangement that the plug-in (instrument) provides by default. You cannot change this arrangement from Cubase or from the plug-in afterward (for now). For example HALion provides multiple outs to workaround this limitation.