Intel i7 5960 / x99

Very happy here (Aside from a series of Cubase bugs but that is not your question). In terms of overall performance, very good.

Good to hear, except for the Cubase bugs of course :confused:
Did you by any chance consider the i7-5930k when building your setup and if so what made you go with the 5960x?



My thinking was fairly plain… Just took 4.35 (speculative OC frequency) x 8 and came up with the mips and compared it to the 5930 @ 4.5 x 6. Pricey for sure though… Worth it I hope…

Thanks for the advice! I’m not completely sure at this point, will do some more research and make my decision.
Good luck with your setup!!


I’m using a 5930K over clocked to 4500 MHz, killer.