iPAD with Windows 11 ( and Cubase 14)

As the title reads, I’m running Cubase 14 on Windows 11, on a Dell XPS 8950. I have unexpectedly acquired an iPad from my brother as a gift.
I have an 88-key midi keyboard, a Conductor Mark II by Ghost Note audio for my faders. I have various sample libraries. I have four monitors/plenty of screen real estate.

I’m wondering, in what ways could I or do you use an iPad with your DAW setup? I’m always looking for ways to streamline the process.

Like a Stream deck, for your most used shortcuts,for example.

You can configure your own layouts,with colors,names…
For that,Cubase IC pro is your best friend (i think is on sale atm)

I’m most interested in using an iPad for locating instruments and articulations using an iPad. Which software would you recommend? I’ve read about Lemur, but is that still around?

Check out Metagrid Pro.

Dang! That’s one heck of a recommendation. I’m watching videos on it now. It looks deeply integrated. Thank you.

It has been for me for several years. It’s greatly enhanced my workflow. Stream Deck is much more limited and basic with physical buttons.

The Metagrid developer iirc, is the one who was involved with Lemur.

On the screenshot you can see somebody seemingly using three iPads. Two appear to be running Metagrid or soemthing similiar.