The help says this “ Reduce: Reduces the point density of the current selection. Tap the Reduce button multiple times to reduce the curve down to the most relevant points.”
One press produces this. I don’t understand why it would create this block shape. There are not any visible automation points at the start of each jump?
Hi @markbt
Thanks for your message.
Gave the topic a short check, where things worked as expected (see clip below).
Please let me have more details about your environment (Device, OS, Cubasis Version) and the steps to reproduce the problem.
On thing to try here is to set the ‘grid’ to off when reducing the number of automation points, with the grid enabled things can get pretty steppy…
Hi, I’m using an iPad Air M1, latest OS and Cubasis versions.
I have tried different grid settings and turning it off completely but it is still creating the block pattern.
It’s strange as I am getting different results to when I record knob movements or when I draw the automation by hand and then reduce it.
After selecting all and then pressing reduce
Was quantize to the grid in the arranger enabled when the automation was recorded?
There’s definitely something fishy about reducing recorded automation.
It’s always steppy while ‘drawn’ automation creates lines…
I set it to Off in both the arranger and piano roll menus.
Hi @markbt
Please provide us with a short clip which shows all steps (starting with an empty project), to allow us reproducing the issue.
I have done some more testing with this and found the bug only happens with AUv3 instruments and FX.
I recorded knob movements using Cubasis built in Micrologue and one of the built in FX on an insert and the result was as expected as you showed me in the clip.
But any AUv3 instrument or FX I tried ended up with the block shape when using reduce.
You should be able to recreate this using any AUv3.
Hi @markbt
I gave the issue a short check yesterday, and was unable to reproduce the problem (as shown in my clip above).
A short clip which shows the exact steps would be of great help for us in reproducing and further evaluating the issue.
Hi @markbt
Thank you for creating the additional clip, which I will share and discuss with our engineering.
@LSlowak This is a long shot but could this issues is caused by the fact that Cubasis 3 seems partially ‘skip’ or ‘ignore’ AUParameterAutomationEventTypeTouch and Release events when dealing with AUParameter automation?!
Requiring release events (which for example LogicPro for iPad does) would break automation in some older AUv3’s that do not implement Release events which are required by the AUv3 specification but it would at the same time make sure that all recorded automation data is ‘clean’ (Recording AUv3 automation form for example Korg Gadget AUv3’s can in some cases create corrupt automation data like wrong midi-channels and rogue CC messages. The Korg AUV3’s do NOT YET send any Release events and can thus not be automated in LogicPro for iPad using the plug-ins UI, Korg is working on fixing this).
Recognizing and handling the release events properly would give Cubasis a hint as to where interpolation between parameter changes could be done to avoid the ‘stepped’ automation when reducing the number of points.
As said this is a long-shot but something is definitely fishy here.
Maybe it could be as a simple as Cubasis by default doesn’t do any interpolation between automation points for AUv3s but does so for the built-in effects and instruments?
Take Care & Stay Safe