Is it possible that Dorico Elements 5 doesn’t allow pickup measures?

Is it possible that Dorico Elements 5 doesn’t allow pickup measures? Or is it just more complicated?

Hi everyone,

I’d like to ask whether it’s possible to create a pickup measure (anacrusis) in Dorico Elements 5. I’ve tried, but I haven’t found the right way to do it yet.

Is this feature limited in Elements, or is there a special way to set it up?

Thanks for any advice!

Welcome to the forum, @palmer1 !

Dorico Elements does support pickup measures. Here’s one way of doing it:


And here’s the section in the manual:

There is no difference between Dorico SE and Dorico Pro to create pickup bars. To make this really clear :wink:

And there is even no difference between
Dorico SE, Dorico Elements and Dorico Pro
when it comes to creating pickup bars :sunglasses:


I thought Elements was kind of implied (as Dorico for iPad) in my post, but yes, you made it even clearer! :rofl:

Hi @palmer1, besides the useful suggestions above, and reading the Manual, here a post where I made some videos explaining alternative ways to edit/add add a pick-up after the fact, in case it could be useful:

I just made a graphic that shows some pick-ups popover for some cases, in case it could be helpful as reference (and to help understand the logic behind it :wink: ):


„Ďakujem všetkým za pomoc a ochotu! Vaše rady mi veľmi pomohli a vážim si váš čas. :blush:

Proszę bardzo.

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I tak dobre, ale ja ne Polski ja Slovensko - Czeski :blush:

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Safari translation: And so good, but I’m not Polish, I’m Slovensko - Czech

Ops, sorry for that :smiling_face:

OT part:

Ahah, I was wondering which language it was, and selecting Polish as source language into Safari translator, it worked, for whatever reason.
Ještě jednou se omlouvám (I hope is right, now :slight_smile: )
I apologize again

prosím Christian :slight_smile:

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Its OK