Is it possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to route selected tracks to a fixed group using PLE?

Hi guys,

I want to achieve the following:

  • Sselect/highlight multiple tracks.
  • Use a keyboard shortcut to route all the selected tracks to a group track*named “GROUP1” (this group name is fixed and unchanged).

I tried using the PLE, but I couldn’t find any way to assign or change the output routing of selected tracks to a specific group within the PLE.

Does anyone know if this is achievable directly either through PLE or another method?

Thank you.


Yes, it’s possible. Make the Project Logical Editor Preset:

Filter Target
( Container Type is | Equal | Track | And
Property | Property is Set | Is Selected )

Action Target
Track Operation | Connect Output | Group 01


You can be even more strct in the condition and add one more line, like Media Type Is | Equal | Audio…

Save the PLE as a Preset and assign a Key Command to this preset.


Thanks Martin.