Is it possible to send audio from a specific insert to another track

Hello folks,
I want to know if there’s a way in Cubase to send the audio output of a specific insert in the insert chain of a track directly to another track. to clarify, I don’t want to send the entire track’s audio or the whole insert chain, just the output of one specific insert plugin.

I tried to Use sends but in this scenario its not ideal because they only work post-fader or pre-fader, and I want the signal from a specific point within the chain. For example, let’s say I have multiple plugins in the insert section, and I want to send the audio after plugin 3 to another track while the rest of the insert chain continues as normal.
Is there a way to do this without splitting the track or duplicating it, or relying on third party multi-output capability plugins?

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If you are willing to put all insert plugins before the split as pre-fader inserts and all others as post-fader insert then you could use a pre-fader send on that channel to send a copy of the signal elsewhere.
Of course, you can’t use the channel volume fader and panner anymore with this construct. But you can replace the channel fader with the Volume plugin.

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oh wow, interestingly enough, that trick does the job… I completely forgot you can change the position of the pre-fader/post-fader insert location. it works perfectly for what i need. thanks for the quick refresher and for that creative approach.

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Alternatively, you can get a send/receive audio plugin and place it wherever you want. Sessionwire has a free one, and Audiomover’s-Inject is one more with a 7-day trial.

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Yeah, reminded me of ReaStream ( Reaper Plugin). Does that as well , and is FREE.
PS : it does introduce some latency, so that’s something to keep in mind when using these kinds of plugins. With ReaStream, I found it adds around 5ms of delay. For example, if you record the audio from the receiving channel, you’ll notice it’s about 5ms behind the original signal (confirmed through a phase inversion null test).

Good thing Cubase has a solution in this case