Is mediabay just a database or does it add metadata to audio files?

hey there,

I am in the process of adding my ni expansions to mediabay, but if mediabay adds metadata to the audio files, I’m worried that ni will potentially release an update for there expansions and it will overwrite the audio files metadata from mediabay and all my work will go to waste. on a side note, I hope adding the samples to mediabay is not going to mess with recall of my my old logic sessions, since logic would potentially be looking for the same file just without the added metadata :man_shrugging:.

thanks so much for any help :grinning:

Hi, not 100% sure, but I think that mediabay just adds links to the audio files in a dedicated database, not touching the file itself.

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Your audio files consist of two elements: The header and the audio data. Metadata gets written into the header.
The header is designed so that anybody can add information, that is important to them, without disturbing anybody else.
Whatever Steinberg will write into the file it will be marked as “Steinberg” and thus ignored by other programs like Logic.

That, indeed, should be a concern.


Yeah, I do see now that Mediabay actually alters the audio files by adding a <BWFXML> area. So @cheap_user.0o please ignore my previous answer. At the same time, whenever NI updates an audio file, most probably it will overwrite it. This means that the Steinberg tag involved will be lost.
However, I’ve just run a quick test by adding tags to a wav file. I saw MediaBay adding the above described area in the file. But then, I replaced the wav with the original one (a procedure an update of NI will most probably do), and MediaBay didn’t alter it, while the tags were properly seen in the MediaBay since they are actually written at its database as well.