I managed to download the groove drums from the downloader assistant but when I download the metal drums on it, it says my license is bad? I have cubase 11 AI elements. Learning how to use it.
Hi and welcome to the forum,
You can find the Cubase editions comparison here.
First find out, which edition exactly do you own, please.
I own Cubase LE AI elements 11 (which wasnt on the list)
version:11.0.40 build 446-
I can update to 12 for 40.00 dollars but ya know… spending money.
LE, AI and Elements are three different versions.
Look at the loading screen when opening Cubase and you’ll see which version you have.
But anyway, none of those versions includes Metal Drums.
I guess I can download stuff then when you try and use it it just asks for a license. A vst instrument called LOFI piano and Pandrum doesnt work either. Should I update to 12?
I have cubase 12… LOFI piano says FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE… but when I try and use it, all the sounds are red and it gives me trouble about licences? any idea. Also retrologue doesnt work, halion colors free doesnt work, pandrum doesnt work. I need some help
The downloads for your version of Cubase will be shown under “My product downloads” in the Steinberg Download Assistant. Simply click the icon for your version of Cubase to download all content for which you have a license for.
If for some reason your version of Cubase isn’t listed there, please run to eLicenser Control Center to check which license you have, then look for your version of Cubase under the Cubase section of the Download Assistant.
Everything else is not a free download.
Retrologue 2 is only available to users of Cubase Artist or Pro.
Some Halion libraries are available for free, but to use them, you must request a license. Please go to the page below and click the “Free” button, then click the red Download buttons to have the licenses sent to your email address:
Thank you - I will do this.
Thanks, I forgot to download the sounds I just downloaded the instruments.