Is there a problem with the mixer history?

I accidentally unlinked some tracks and went to the history to recover them and couldn’t get them back… :confused:

I’m not in my project studio at the moment, but to clarify, do you mean mix console history?
I’m not sure what you mean by “unlinked some tracks?” changed routing? something to do with the quick Link feature?

Hi, I had a few tracks linked to a VCA fader…accidently unlinked them from the fader so went to the mixing desk history and could not go back to the previous configuration…

thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

I don’t know if linking/unlinking is something that is designated to be included in mix history? It’s not a mix parameter change.

From the pdf, here is a list of what is included:

Volume changes

Panorama changes

Changes on the Routing rack

Filter, gain, and phase changes in the Pre rack

Plug-in changes in the Inserts rack

EQ changes

Changes on the Channel Strip rack

Changes on the Sends rack

Cubase Pro only: Changes on the Cue Sends rack

Cubase Pro only: Changes on the Direct Routing rack

Nothing is mentioned about linking.

Oh…thanks, I just assumed it covered everything that involved the mixer…