Is there a way to force multiple, contiguous attributes to use a continuation line?

Making some Playing and Playback techniques here specifically for MIDI mockups. I have some playing techniques that I would like to use as an attribute, but also would like it to appear as a continuation line if I apply it to more than 1 note.

Can I force multiple contiguous attributes to appear with a continuation line instead of repeating the symbol?

I would like it to appear as this:

Instead of this:

For your custom techniques, under Library → Playback Techniques change the value from “Attribute” to “Direction” and choose the line continuation style of your choice under Library → Playing Techniques.

Sorry, I understand how the “Direction” function works, but I am asking if attributes can appear with a continuation line when you use more than one of them in a row in a selection when you apply it.

I want it to act as an Attribute when applied to only one note, and hence not have to cancel it with another instruction after that.

I see. I have a custom technique called “let ring” that uses CC 64=127 in On Events and CC64=1 in Off events. Perhaps you can simply reset the technique using an Off Event?

Perhaps someone else knows if your question has an actual answer instead of a work around.

If you have a playing technique with an explicit duration (rather than a duration of 0), then I believe the associated playback technique will always end at the end of the duration, whether it’s an attribute or a direction. I think that means you don’t need to create more than one of them in this case - you can just create a single playing technique with a continuation line.

But a direction has an indefinite end. That means whatever you specify as the note off event will never happen until you use “Natural” or write in another technique that is in a mutual exclusion group with it.

I’ve read this over a few times and it doesn’t make any sense.

If you have a playing technique that has a duration, then the effect on playback will last until the end of the duration. If you have a playing technique that doesn’t have a duration, then the effect on playback will depend on whether the playback technique is an attribute or a direction. In your case it sounds like you want the playback effect to cover everything under the line, so you can just create one playing technique with a line.

Not entirely true… Mute (pt.muted) behaves the way you want. It’s a direction with a line continuation.

After the extender it reverts to Natural. The really interesting thing is that not all “Direction” techniques behave that way and I can’t find the reason why. Perhaps there is a difference between internal and custom user techniques.

EDIT: See below, behavior is predictable.

Basically, no duration here means: one note and length means multiple notes (see my screen grab above). If it is across multiple notes, the direction will automatically end, if it is only on one note:

My interpretation here is that these are roundabout descriptions to tell me I can use “direction” to label one note to get “attribute” type playback by extending the continuation line to include only one note as such:

That does suffice for both conditions then (being able to alter the playback of single notes without a cancellation afterword, and being able to use a continuation line for contiguous groupings).

This does add a series of extra steps to every instance of one note tech changes though (point+click, Shift+alt(option)+right cursor, click drag).
Doing this in a score a couple hundred times over would get a bit tedious.

Really I was just referring to this post: Is there a way to force multiple, contiguous attributes to use a continuation line? where you said that you wanted it to look like a single line but play back as though you had a separate mark on each note. My point was that that should already be happening - if you have a continuation line (or even a non-zero duration without a line) then it will already play back on every note under the line.