Is there a way to make a click track automatically C14 Pro?

hey guys is there a way to automatically make a click track on cubase 14 pro? [m1 max macbook pro].
i usually find myself making demos and then sending the demos to vocalist but would like to also have a click track so that they can drag both files into their daw to line up to make sense for them.
at the moment as a workaround i am physically putting in my metronome sample every bar to grid to whatever tempo its currently at which is tedious, was wondering if there a quicker/more automated way


There’s an Edit->Functions->Repeat feature which presents a dialogue where you can enter the number of duplicates you need for the selected Part(s).

Does Project>Signature Track>Render Click Between Locators do what you want?


You learn something new every day!

oh poopies!!! thanks