Is there any way to hide slurs?

I was presuming I could select the slur and then in properties choose “hide” but don’t see it there either in Write Mode or Engrave. Note Performer 3 sometimes mis-interprets playback (making notes exaggeratedly short, etc.). Slurs definitely help but I’d like to be able to draw them but then hide them, since they’re only for playback purposes only. Thanks for any help -

  • D.D.

You know you can lengthen notes in playmode independently from their notation appearence, right? That’s what I would suggest…

Or you you duplicate the flow and use one for playback and the other one for printing.

So I take it there’s no way to actually hide slurs? There are actually many situations in which certain articulations or playing techniques are for the purpose of playback only but don’t need to be seen in the actual printed score (and where it feels cumbersome to have to maintain a second version of the score) - I’ll have to take stock of which things can be “hidden” since this would be something I’d likely do often to keep the printed version cleaner and simpler, but have the playback more accurate…

  • D.D.

Another option is to define a new playing technique, e.g. call it “leg” and duplicate the legato definition in the NotePerformer expression map (CController 19, value 1). Then hide the PT. Just tried it and it works great…

[EDIT: a corresponding PT with CC19, value 0 must be placed where the virtual slur is to end]

I haven’t tried it but that’s GOT to be the best workaround (thanks!) I’m hoping that Dorico may consider adding the option to hide things like slurs in the future directly, however.

  • D.D.

ACTUALLY, are you saying to insert the playing technique “leg” where I want it to be slurred? Or that the above would actually allow slurs to appear but then be hidden? (apologies for my confusion!)

  • D.D.

Frank is suggesting that you use a playing technique “leg” that triggers the “legato” playing technique instead of a slur, yes.

We have no plans to make it possible to hide slurs, for what it’s worth.

Could you not set the colour of the slur to white? That would effectively hide it.

Wouldn’t that also “white out” any staff lines that the slurs originally crossed?

  • D.D.

Wouldn’t that also “white out” any staff lines that the slurs originally crossed?

You are right, it does. But if you don’t want to see the slur, its vertical position won’t matter, and you could move it clear of the staff and anything else it might cross.

If you set the alpha channel value of the slur to 0 (it’s on the right side of the color picker dialog), it will become invisible, not white, and therefore not white out any element it crosses.

What about changing the length of the notes in Play mode so they trigger legato in NP?

Because using slurs for playback purposes only, would it be an idea to add a possibility to Playback mode instead to trigger legato playback? That way the notation itself would not need to be adjusted. Maybe something like selecting the piano roll notes and choose from a menu “legato”?

You can also select multiple notes and change their length in Play mode.

Guys, this really looks like the first advice, post #2

I’m still not clear the connection between adjustments in Play Mode and it’s affect on Note Peeformer’s interpretation, but I will experiment further when I get a chance (I recall making a deliberately “radical change” once to the actual MIDI data as a test while using NP and it didn’t seem to have an affect?)

Altering the length in Play as Marc suggested in post 2 :wink: changes playback without affecting the score.
I’ve always found it has an effect.

Seriously? Now THAT is an insider/neat trick - I’ll try it out! Thanks all -

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