Is there anyway to prevent this collision?

Does anyone know if there’s a way to automatically avoid this particular (circled) collision? I can’t even find at present a way to manually move specifically the repeat sign to the right so it doesn’t overlap with the 6/4 (even using the Inspector) - the only thing that seems movable is the “2” above it. Thanks for any thoughts!

John, if you go to Engrave Mode, there is a horizontal spacing tool. You can grab notes and move them horizontally. You can also move bar-lines. With a bit of experimentation you’ll get things in order…

Hi K_b,
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, I’d already tried all such l-r horizontal manual adjustments in Engrave Mode and there appears to be no way to do so with any elements (that I’ve seen at least) that allow me to avoid the 6/4 from colliding with the repeat sign. I’m open to further suggestions! I’ve attached that portion of the score in case anyone wants to have.a crack at it! Thanks and best -
Test for forum.dorico (834.7 KB)

There’s no way to apply a horizontal offset to a 2- or 4-bar repeat, I’m afraid. We weren’t really considering the case that there could be a meter change at the halfway point!

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Not an unusual situation for vamp-based jazz pieces with a repeated two-bar phrase spelling out the division of the 10/4 feel. I could write it out differently but this felt more logical visually to me (but I’m bummed about that collision). In a future update it would be nice to at least be able to move the two-bar repeat sign slightly to the right to avoid the 6/4.

Thanks, Daniel and best!

  • D.D.

Try this. It’s a workaround, but it might do what you want.

Activate the caret, press shift-X (for staff-attached text), right-click and choose Insert Music Text…, in the search field type timeSig2, select it and press OK.
Do the same, but at a different grid position, and search for repeat2Bars.

Double-click the 2 and press shift-A (to Select All) and change its point size to 19.5 (this is what I used for a rastral size of 6. You will need to experiment if using a different rastral size).
Do the same for the 2-bar repeat symbol.

In Engrave mode, drag these two text items over an existing 2-bar repeat and position them so that they are the same distance apart as in the real 2-bar repeat. Once they are aligned with each other, select both and drag them back to where they will be placed. This is easier if you zoom in.

2-bar repeat.dorico (4.0 MB)

P.S. The abbreviation for continue should be “cont.”.


That’s an impressive workaround - thanks!

  • D.D.

I think that I have observed a similar problem. The two bar repeat sign is - presumably due to the instrument change of the player one staff below - shifted to the right. Is this a bug or the intended behavior?

That’s not the intended behaviour, no, but it doesn’t surprise me! This is something else that we need to address in future.

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I could even envision an option of raising the entire double bar repeat sign to directly above the bar line (I could imagine doing this as a jazz musician for example). At least it would be nice to have the option to move it wherever I’d prefer - like we can with many other items in Engrave mode (though I’m sure it’s not an easy adjustment or we’d could already be able to do this). But thanks for the great program.