Is this a slur parameter?

is this slur start a slur parameter ? that I have missed ?

it continues on the next page :

Hi @joakimsandgren, if you mean the green boxed numbers, no: this is the fullness indicator of that system.

no I mean the form of the slur… it goes backwards…
that I change to be more like this

here is another example:

for me, I can’t have the end going “backwards”.

so I’ll change it to be at least vertical…:


I see @joakimsandgren, for the second example, you can try with the engraving options for Slurs. There are for sure other options…, I will post if I find out more*:

*This for example:

Here a combination of these Engraving options (sorry the are not in the same order that you find in the panel) that give the result below:

these doesn’t treat the ‘shoulder’… but it does work since it avoid the slur
to come down enough to start curling back again…

there aren’t (I don’t find) more shoulder parameters ?
there are, but they don’t touch this case…


(I updated my previous post)

yes, thanks
but it would be nice to have the slur lower on the stem,
without curling…
I’ll take your first proposition for now…

thanks yes I saw…
I’ll try that next time…
I think also the problem is that it persists to stay on the right side…
there are clearly cases where you just can’t anymore…

thanks for answers! /j

here another try. Reset Engraving Options to Factory settings, and changed only this setting…:

…and deactivated avoid collision for the slur in the Properties panel.


this is what I have done this far…
works for now

(agree exactly, because me neither don’t want to change 11 slur parameters, because it will only create other problems…)

Here my last try (for today :slight_smile: ):

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