Issue Cubase Crash on startup

My Cubase 13 has started to crash on startup and it keeps saying my E-licensing doesn’t work. I have a USB dongle and a softlicenser installed. Bug-report has been attached to this post.
Cubase 13-2024-09-14-090325.ips (101.7 KB)

Unable to analyze the crash dump file, but normally, Cubase 13 doesn’t use either the USB or the Soft e-Licenser, so, something which needs it could be going in the way. Any recent changes in your setup that could explain it ?

Could you make a screenshot of the actual message ? Because it’s difficult to know which of the two is involved (USB or Soft).

What are the products that depend on both of them ?

Hi again. My Cubase License is connected to the USB-dongle and nothing to the Soft Licenser. I had the same issue with my I-lok dongle. When I removed it it worked! I did the same with my Cubase USB dongle and it starts up without problems. So perhaps the USB dongle is causing the trouble in this case also?
Best regards,

Not if it’s Cubase 13.

Could be, but what’s important is that you are now able to lauch Cubase. OTOH, I also have the USB e-Licenser (because I still have pre-Cubase 12 installed versions) constantly connected and Cubase 13 works without isuue, here, with it.

If you still really need the USB e-Licenser key (you don’t if you are using Cubase 13 and have no other Steinberg products still depending on it), I would suggest a reinstallation of the eLCC. But maybe the USB stick is damaged or at the end of its life, somehow.

Okay, thanks. It seems to be working without the dongle right now. Perhaps the dongle sometimes doesn’t load properly as you suggest. It is quite old :slight_smile: