Issue: Exported Dorico Project not working in Dorico 5

Windows 11
Cubase Pro 14.0.10
Dorico Version (Jan 16 2025)
Dorico 5 AudioEngine Version

In Cubase, selecting overlapping regions in different lanes of the same track in the project window one at a time induces this view in the score editor:

And selecting the two regions simultaneously induces this view:

However, Dorico projects exported from the first view do not allow players to be added when opened in Dorico 5. Attempting to add a player in Dorico 5 causes the central area to go blue and all the note data to disappear. I’m currently dealing with this issue in one of my larger projects, and I don’t know which track/instrument/lane is causing the problem, so I’m attaching smaller, pinpointed Dorico and Cubase files that might help the community and developers zero in on what’s happening.

Cubase14.0.10_DoricoExport_Violins_00.dorico (387.6 KB)
Cubase14.0.10_DoricoExport_Violins_01.dorico (387.1 KB)
00 Score Export.cpr (276.1 KB)

The reason for the problem is that these violins are not separate tracks. They are separate lanes on a single track

If you want two violins then create a new Violin track and move the second part to it.

Yes, the example is from two lanes of the same track. If the Cubase score editor shows the two lines as a two stave divisi, the exported Dorico file crashes when a player is added in Dorico. If the Cubase score editor shows overlapped notes in the same staff, the exported Dorico file allows players to be added in Dorico.

Please try opening the two Dorico files and adding a player. I expect you will see that one Dorico project allows players to be added, and the other does not, yet they are exported from the same Cubase project.

Not seeing that here.

Of course the moment after you create the new player, but before you add its instrument, the page area shows only the background. But when I added the player it worked normally.

Confirmed here. But you did not specify one thing, adding a Section Player, as opposed to a Single Player.

Here doing the repro sequence below, Dorico quits without leaving a crash dump. (not sure if it is supposed to leave one as does Cubase…)


thanks for the report, we’ll look further into this (on both the Cubase and Dorico side)

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@aluminuman can you clarify exactly which steps you took for the Score Editor to display the selection as two instruments?
Which layout is selected in the Score Editor? What’s the state of the “Keep Editor Contents” button? Are you selecting the parts via marquee selection in the project window, or clicking individually?

Here’s how to view two staves in Cubase 14’s Score Editor from a two lane instrument track:

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thank you for the video, we’ll continue to look at how the Score Editor can get into this situation.
Just to clarify, our expectation would be, that the selected parts always show combined on a single staff. Otherwise several internal assumptions are being violated, and this will result in aDorico file that will be hard to use.