Issue - Note editor loses eighth note before bar line - notes and MIDI no longer synchronized

Hello, I discovered a curiosity in the notation of C14.
From bar 63 of my arrangement, C14 obviously inserts an eighth-note rest.
In bars 24-27 the same note structure is correct, but in bar 63 this changes. See appendix. What happened here??

The song is in “B” and the notation is transposed for trombone in C
The notes were entered in the MIDI editor.
The red time signature in 63 appeared after the double bar was inserted.

We also discussed the problem in the German forum
Cubase 14 - Welche Fehler habt ihr bisher entdeckt? - Auf Deutsch / Cubase - Steinberg Forums
and found the cause: the manually set bar line at the end of bar 63 was not positioned exactly.
After deleting it with the eraser tool, the error could be eliminated.
Nevertheless, I see the behavior as a bug in the note editor, because bar 63 should never display just 7 eighth notes (or rests) without consciously entering a time signature change, but always 8 eighth notes (or rests) in total.