Hi all !
I’ve been having a hard time with this for ages when trying to bounce a whole project as Stems in one go.
Simplest Repro I can think of :
Create a bunch of Group tracks (i.e. Kick, Snare Toms…)
Add Fx Sends to those groups (i.e. KickVerb, SnareVerb, TomsVerb)
Route your Group Tracks to, for my example, an “All Drums” Group Track
Route your Fx Channels to an “All Fx” Group track
Export Audio Mixdown, tick “Multiple” in Channel Selection, tick “All Drums” Group
Tick “+Master/Group/Sends”
Export Audio
→ In the resulting Audio File, none of the Fx Sends of the Groups feeding the “All Drums” Group are printed.
Workaround :
Route your “All Drums” Group to a “Dummy” Fx Track with nothing on it and with your send level all the way down
Et voilà, all your Fx Sends are now printed in the Audio Mixdown.
Unfrotunately, this Workaround does not work if you select “Single” instead of “Multiple” in the Channel Selection (surely because “+Master/Groups/Sends” gets greyed out when ticking “Single”)
Could this be adressed by having a preference like “Group Channels: solo sources sends as well” ? Just like the existing “Group Channels: mute sources as well” which is very handy !
Can’t you just set the output of the drum FX tracks to the “All Drums” Group? Or if that’s not possible make it “All Drums - Dry” and output that and the drum FX groups to a new “All Drums - Wet” group?
Hi Mattias, thanks !
That would work for these specific Fx yes but, in my projects, at least half of my Fx Channels are being fed by multiple sources, a specific delay, reverb or modulation could have send automation from vocals, keys, percussion, guitars, you name it…
Moreover, in my workflow/project setup, I love to have all of my Fx Channels routed to an “All FX” Group Channel that I can mute/solo/listen at any time with one click.
Any way, I just don’t understand that if I solo the Audio Folder containing lets say all of my Drums tracks, every send gets properly soloed but if I solo the Master Group Track where all of these audio tracks and their Sub-Groups are routed, Audio Tracks and Groups are properly soloed but all of their respective sends get muted !
I feel there should definitely be at least a preference choice for that behaviour.
Well, all I can give you is how I have been delivering mixes for most of my career:
Full mix,
Stems consisting of instrument groups, and one Stem is all the time based effects that affect more than one instrument such as reverbs and delays etc.
All instrument stems are printed dry.