Issue with length conditions for Expression Maps

Is there a mistake in the documentation or the programming of the length conditions for the Expression Maps?

Here is the documentation saying that a “very short” note is defined as a dotted 16th at 120 bpm:

Here I have a test project using 16th notes at 120 bpm,
yet the technique being registered is “>= Very Short”.

Having the same problem with 32nd notes;
they also register as “>= Very Short”

Why wouldn’t this appear as “< Very Short”?
Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 11.45.41 AM

Because very short is the smallest possible. So “< very short” never gets triggered.

No, “Very Short” is defined as dotted 16ths at 120 bpm in the documentation as shown above. Last I checked, 16th and 32nd notes are “less than” dotted 16th notes.

Very short applies to everything <= 0.1875 seconds threshold.
Short applies to everything >0.1875 seconds and <= 0.375 seconds

That is not what it says in the documentation.

eh? A dotted 16th is obviously longer than a 16th so anything shorter than a dotted 16th will come up as very short. . This of course includes straight 16th’s and 32nd’s. @Janus is perfectly correct as far as I can see. Just did a quick test project myself based on what you did and everything works as it should. Only with straight quavers (8th’s) do we see a switch to just short

“Very short” is not defined in the manual as “any notes equal to or less than a dotted 16th” which is how both you and Janus are distorting the description.

If you notice, “Very long” has an open ended definition, meaning anything greater than long.

Pay attention to specific wording and what it means compared to what you assume it to mean.

OK, I guess we both understand what the manual obviously means – it refers to the boundaries between the note lengths. But strictly speaking you are correct – it doesn’t actually spell that out. But to me that’s being pedantic in the extreme…

Anyway, the programming does work as advertised.

It doesn’t even say if the boundaries are the upper or lower limit.

Anyway, there are still issues here.
Now I have a switch for “== Very Short”,
Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 2.45.18 PM

but neither dotted 16ths or 32nds are triggering that.

So tell me again about this obvious definition?

I suggest you post the project and someone will be able to help you set up your Expression Map so it works as designed with regard to note lengths. An obvious starting point is not having entries which contradict each other.

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