I have a percussion kit set up for multiple auxiliary percussion instruments which is showing on my score as a grid even thought I have selected 5 line staff in that player part using “edit Percussion kit”. It is still showing up as a grid. Any advice?
Check your Layout Options:
That did it!! Thanks so much.
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Do you know if it is possible to assign multiple different noteheads to a single percussion instrument? For example, with crash cymbals I want half notes and longer to be a open “white” diamond, but I want the black notes to be X’s. Is this possible to set globally?
I’m not sure about what you mean by “globally” but you can change the noteheads to whatever you like and you can create your own notehead set to use if you want:
See Edit Noteheads below for assigning noteheads to instruments within the kit:
For creating custom notehead sets (this is too complex for me):