How do I make the default of a note in the middle line of the staff have a stem down? I found it in engraving options (Notes>Stems) and I set the default to be stem down but it has yet to work. I tried both “ignore for stem direction” and “consider for stem direction” in regards to middle line notes in beamed groups. Neither of those make any bit of difference either. All I seem to be able to do is F flip. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You may have fixed it. I already had stem default to down. That was obvious to me and I read to do that many times. But above that it wasn’t marked in the “default direction” but it is now thanks to you. I’ll let you know!
Hi @gretchenegen, as an add-on to the post by @FredGUnn, in case you accidentally flipped some stems in an unwanted direction, you can apply the Remove Forced Stems command on the selected passage (or on all notes, selecting all first), to let the global options work as desired (in this case to use the down default option):
@FredGUnn and @Christian_R , you both really helped me with something that’s been bothering me for several months. I don’t know why I waited so long. Thank you thank you thank you. Everything you both gave and input was fabulous and I’ve learned a lot!!!
Glad to help, @gretchenegen!