Issues with dragging midi from Cubase 13 into Dorico 5

I’m having some issues when I drag certain midi passages from Cubase 13 into Dorico 5. If it’s an easy passage with few and long midi notes, there’s no problem, but as soon as it becomes slightly more complicated, the notation gets all messed up. How can I fix this?

This is the part I’m dragging into Dorico.

And this is what it ends up looking like.

I’m dropping the midi part into the Dorico Key Editor in Write mode, but the same thing happens if I drag it over in Play mode.

Is this a bug or something I can adjust?


What are your MIDI quantization settings (Preferences>Play>Quantization)?

This was my quantization settings.

I set them both to 32 and that solved the problem.


Hi @Martinius_Solum, forgive me, but what do you think recognizing the solution to @Janus? :slight_smile:


Oops, my bad, haha!

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