It will not change weird accidentals to be in the key

At measure 48, I put in a key change to E, but it did not change the notes. They are enharmonic misspellings. I’ve tried “Respell Notes” but it’s not working. I fixed a lot of it myself but would rather not – you can see how mm. 57 - 70 is a real mess. How can I make it respell these notes so that Db is a C# as it should be? Thank you!!
Its Easy.dorico (971.7 KB)

Hi @keg8h, select from bar 57 to bar 70, and choose menu Write > Respell > Respell Using Note Name Below (the passage will then be respelled and will be something like in G# minor-ish)

That’s great, thank you! Now I only have a few double-sharps to change into the notes they should be.

What is the “Note Name Below”? Where did it get “G# minor ish” from?

Thank you so much for your help and expertise!

Db will become C#, Cb will become B, and so on…

If you write for example a chord Eb,G,Bb (that could be the dominant of Ab major) and then choose Respell with note name below it will become D#,Fx (double sharp),A#: this respelled chord is the dominant of G# minor, in other words, those pitches notated so, belong to the G#minor tonality only and represent its dominant chord. (If you want to maintain the correct spelling that would represent the current tonality, I would not change the Fx (double sharp) to G for example…).

Oh, I understand now - thank you so much!!!

@keg8h how did you add the key change – if you only added a key signature, that doesn’t change the pitches of any existing notes.

If you had existing music in D major, for example, that you want to change to E major, then you should use the Transpose dialog to transpose both the key signature along with the music.

Alternatively, if you want to maintain multiple key versions of the same music and have them all be linked (so if you make edits, all keys pick up those changes), you can use layouts with transposition overrides.

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Thank you – this is so helpful too!! I only added a key signature! So I really appreciate your pointing this out!

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