It's time to get Cubase in Phase

they don’t even expect that if you load 5 or 6 plugs in 4 tracks, they run out of hardware resources, so you know what they do with unlimited tracks? …
cubase pro12
mbp 16 "2019

Yes and no
That means you need to be banked to it in the mixer. There is no absolute access using the new remote and you cant direclty index arrays…there are many many issues with remote unless you want to code…thats why I pay for a program…so Im not an unpaid beta tester or doing a job that I actually paid for

Others might have a life to waste doing this but I have coded all my life and when I see someone say the API will do it for them, I dont meant to offend but its just nonsense and an insult to meritocracy

The phase switch is indeed important if you like to be creative and even basic things are very hard to do in cubase ie look up inverse fader movement. Takes solid talent like Dan to make serious use of imagination and output

Some things are important to a ‘professionals’ workflow as much as a newb. Just frustrating seeing so many comments by '‘experts’

When I see empirical statements being made, I would like to encourage the posters to validate their superiority with a ref list of 3 of their top tracks please so we can be sure of credibility instead of being seen as whining or arrogant.

While we are on that phase switch in the input module…please…

  • What about MS switches; I use MS micing extensively
  • what about some decent linear phase filters?


For the track phase switch it works for every selected track, but sure no direct visual (at least close to the fader), but personally the main problem is about the phase switch on every send witch i agreed is really missing, we need to create dedicated buss just to invert the phase of those send.

As i am not a native english speaker i am not sure to understand your reply about the need of coding to a suggestion (see picture) of mapping a short cut “phase” button on a midi controller and that “insult to meritocracy” … :roll_eyes: ???

hi @tepa
yep of course it does the basics without coding but it takes only getting a little deeper before the shortcomings make it impossible without coding. Like i said, i have programmed most of my life and chunks of that doing midi hardware for manufacturers…
It was a job that a company abided by the culture of “meritocracy” ie i was paid based on the merit of research and the hours of my life dedicated to achieving a goal. They paid so that people buying their products were not forced to do the same…they buy the product
My frustration is that by this time, there should be a simple graphic way to achieve this so that a persons time can be spent on doing music, the product of cubase having done its intended purpose
So while its good to add (a half baked api that uses a clunky and verbose language), the prime consideration should be a “out of the bix” experience.
Your example demonstrates this…there is no simple feedback mechanism to handle the led management…even the legacy mackie emu does that…and its also confined to the selected track which is not part of phase correction workflow as it always, by nature involves more than 1 track hence my comment about having to bank the mixer
