Jazz/pop/rock drum part considerations

@cparmerlee thanks a lot and yes! Only comments about your first text is that the drummers I know, with the music my band is playing, read the parts very carefully…and I don’t have to convince them :wink: There are many things to handle in my arrangements/compositions (and others as well in the styles). Yes I hope that the support for drum notation in Dorico is reinforced, since as we know this is the most time consuming task in the editing of an arrangement/composition. This was for me the most important factor for starting to consider to leave Finale after so many intense years. Unfortunately, as of now Dorico does not give more support. But again, I hope that will change soon.

And yes again! I fully agree with your other ideas about “multimeasure play”. I should have the possibility to select which measures that should be included in a particular “Play X” bar, and I guess it would be fine if it still would play back (however I don’t care so much about drum playback honestly, but for others I guess the option should be there).
