Jump bar + alias… brilliant

Just want to say the ability to add an alias to any command in the jump bar is unreal. This has the potential to transform everyone’s workflow, as it’s basically an option for a whole new set of custom key commands. My head is spinning thinking about how to utilize this.



Yes, it’s very clever because it says to the user “make this work how YOU think”.

I’ve already mapped a handful of commands I’m using constantly. For example, “Change to Up-stem Voice 1” used to be assigned to Alt-1, but now for me it’s just ju1.

I think I might go so far as to remove some of the more cumbersome commands I’ve added over the years… or at least leave them alone and never need them again.

Also, this spells trouble for Stream Deck! It’s suddenly far less needful. :sunglasses:

It’s still dawning on me how significant this is…


it is simply wonderful. can’t wait to try it.

only tomorrow will I be able to go home and upgrade to Dorico 4, and I can’t wait.

it is steinberg’s fault that today I treat anyone who comes close to me very badly​:grin::grin:

I had the same thought.

There are still some things that are missing though. For instance, I was surprised that “hide stem” still isn’t an option. Perhaps that’s because that command only works in engrave mode… “Hide stem” alone makes Stream Deck worth it to me.

True, but wouldn’t that just be a batch action? Select More, edit in Properties.

“Hide stem” is a property, not a command, and you can’t in general access Properties via the jump bar, though that is something that I definitely thought about when I was building it. Maybe we’ll be able to extend it in that direction in the future.


Note that an API has been developed (it’s in the Version History) to make remote machines “talk” to Dorico way better. So we won’t have the hassle to find keycommands, make them work for mac and PC in every language… Streamdeck still has a card to play, I suppose :wink:

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I think that would be amazing. (In general, not just for hide stems.)

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But you can just use V !!


I think this was the piece of the puzzle that I was missing in this regard. I presumed that anything I could want to alter would be callable via the jump bar. At any rate, it’s still a quantum leap forward.

No, V doesn’t work if you’re selecting a passage that has both upstem AND downstem voices present. V just swaps them.

I was going to make that a feature request, but I prefer the jump bar anyways. Far more flexibility, and easy to start thinking “J plus some simple key commands.”

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Yes I also would love that! One of my favourite programs to use in terms of customisability of actions is REAPER - almost anything you can think of you can assign with a combination of key commands or a mouse modifiers. But the jump bar is a huge leap (ha) in the right direction. And I guess once scripting support comes in fully we’ll be pretty much there anyway.


Are the Jump bar alias commands stored somewhere like the user keycommands file is? Would a Property be able to be hacked in like with keycommands? So in the Jump bar typing “red” could be set to trigger UI.InvokePropertyChangeValue?Type=kEventColour&Value=string: “#ffff0000” or similar?


Unfortunately that won’t work, because jump bar aliases are stored independently of the key commands file, so there’s no direct correspondence between an entry in the key commands file and what appears in the jump bar. Indeed, the jump bar doesn’t pull commands out of the key commands file in any case: it gets them directly from Dorico’s internal database of commands.

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Sounds like this won’t work anyway, but I didn’t mean for it to pull the command from the keycommands file. I was wondering if there was a jumpalias.json file or something like that that could be modified independently of the keycommands file to manually add a Jump bar alias command.

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Hi Daniel, if this functionality could possibly be extended, it would just open up the jump bar even further. For example, I have hacked the JSON to set things like bowing marks. The ability to link these to the Jump Bar would be huge.

I realize the preferred development path would probably be some kind of “proper” integration. But in the meantime, can you confirm there’s no way for us to fiddle with this ourselves? Thanks.

I can indeed confirm it: there’s no way to do that.


Where are these jump bar aliases stored and what would be the best way of synchronising them between computers?


They are stored in a preferences file in ~/Library/Preferences or buried somewhere in the Registry on Windows. They certainly can in principle be shared between different machines, but it’s easier on the Mac because they are in a .plist file rather than being buried in the Registry.