I’m on Dorico now for about 3 weeks. Worked hard, am shattered becuase of night hours I spent on studying it. It is gorgeus! I’ve started early 90ths with Score, I loved it. After that i switched to Finale. At the beginning I preferred Score, than I got used to it and as I needed it I started to like it. After a while Finale became my mother language, I was able to create everything I needed easily and nicely.
But Dorico is the best! Great respect to the creators and developpers and the whole team! Maybe in 30 years time it will be issued an even more sophisticated musicnotation app what is able to mindread and print sheets without having a printer, but by that time I’ll be definitely dead. So I think I found the app I will use till the end of my life with pleasure and joy.
Many many thanks, guys!!!