just bought the Absolute 3 collection but..sorted!

Had to buy it…such a good discount but at the end of the transaction could not see a way to log out, I had to log in to buy it but at the end…not able to log out!..so I’m I still logged in somewhere or what?

no wonder our details get nicked!!

can anyone shed any light on this, was I automatically logged out?..I doubt this happened though…

finding this a bit worrying :confused:

cheers, Kevin :slight_smile:


Hi, not sure why you posted this :confused: I was asking why I wasn’t able to log out at the end of my purchase, and if I’m still logged in somewhere?..am I missing something? my apologies if I am…

cheers, Kevin

This is a link to your shop account. There’s no need to log out because it will automatically do that after some time.

OK thank you :slight_smile: was a bit worried about it…congrats on becoming a mod by the way… :slight_smile: :slight_smile: