Justify bar length

Is there a way to fix the bar lengths proportionally according to the number of beats in each bar? It was possible in Finale.
For example:
• If there are four 4/4 bars in a system, the bar lengths would be in a 1:1:1:1 ratio.
• If there are three 4/4 bars and one 3/4 bar, the ratio would be 4:4:4:3.

No there is not. Dorico’s concept is to build the layout based on the musical content. A 4/4 bar can have any musical content f.e… You can set up your preferred Note Spacing Options, which you’ll find under Layout Options. Also, try to make a forum search, there are quite a few threads already discussing this theme in depth.

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Here’s a useful thread with a recommendation for a suitable note spacing ratio for more proportional spacing: