When I try insert a key change into music that already has the correct notes in the new key I end up with incorrect enharmonics. I can go through and change the enharmonics up or down and get a mostly correct version of things (sometimes double sharps or flats still exist). However, when I change the key, why doesn’t Dorico respell everything automatically to fit whatever new key I’m in? I’ve tried using Respell Notes Automatically but that doesn’t seem to do anything. Thanks for the help!
Hi @Kyle_Mattingly, can you make a copy those couple of bars into an new project, with the original situation (before the key change and with the original key change) and post it here?
If you ask Dorico to transpose by a specific interval, it uses that interval. It does not ad lib and substitute an enharmonic alternative. You need to do that.
No transposition is happen in this case. It’s just adding a key signature in pre-existing music - imported from a midi file.
Attached is the file. It goes to E Maj at m.53 and then F Maj at m.80. The F major ends up looking a little better but not for too long as we eventually get double flats that are pointless.
Key change test.dorico (1.1 MB)
What do you mean by ‘insert’? Can you describe your process more precisely?
How’s this?
Key change test-edit.dorico (1.1 MB)
I added the key signature changes, then used Transpose by a diminished 2nd on the Emaj section and Transpose at the unison on the Fmaj section, both (using the respell to avoid double flat/sharp option)
There’s probably a more reliable way…
Adding a key signature doesn’t change the pitches of notes that already exist in the flow. Key signatures don’t do any automatic transposition in Dorico, this might be different to what you’re used to.
Instead, you need to use one of the available transposing tools, such as
@Janus that seems like a workaround - thanks!
@Lillie_Harris, I understand the logic of keeping the pitches the same when adding a key signature. I don’t understand the logic in keeping the enharmonic spellings. Why wouldn’t things be respelled (not transposed) to fit the new key?
Because MIDI numbers refer to pitches rather than sounds.