would it be possible to make key command-able “grace note before barline” ?
it would save me a lot and a lot of time!
Hi @joakimsandgren, you can easily record a Macro (from the Script menu) that records just the activation of the property, save it, and then if you are on MacOS, assign a shortcut to that Script from the System Settings/Keyboard/Keyboard Shortcuts/App Shortcuts (just typing the exact name of the saved Script) (I don’t know if in Windows there is also a possibility to assign shortcuts to any menu items of any app as in MacOS)
Aha ! Ok, I did a script.
In finale I lived in Keyboard Maestro so even if yes it’s possible in the Finder I’ll keep to KM… and it does work.
This opens up a lot of course, really…
though I was so happy not to having to resort to KM anymore… haha.
Thank you,
Joakim Sandgren
Hi @joakimsandgren, KM is great, but my suggestion doesn’t need it to work, just recording the Macro in Dorico (it takes just seconds) and use the System Settings of MacOS (sorry if I misinterpreted your answer…)
Isn’t there a notation or engraving default for this? (I cannot remember since I use them so rarely, but I’m fairly certain there is a global setting for this.)
mhhh, cannot find it…
thank you again christian !
yes yes of course this works.
I already have and use some shortcuts in the finder…
I can use whatever, true !
thanks again,
Perhaps I’m mistaken. For 95% of overrides there is the option to set a global preference. Perhaps this is the 5%.
if I look in notation options I don’t see it anywhere…
this is the best solution…, indeed.
it’s well done nowadays, in the Finder…
To the developers: might it be possible to incorporate grace notes, which follow it‘s main note? I guess, this could open a pandora‘s box of spacing issues, but I’ve come across several occasions where this would have been very helpful. @dspreadbury ?