Key signature change in different places but to the same key!

In an 1840-ish edition for cello and piano or orchestra where only separate parts of each instrument were published at the time the piano part changes to D major two bars earlier than everyone else.
While adding this early change in Dorico is straightforward, I cannot say the same for the third bar where the piano needs to show no change.

If the solution is to have manual changes for each stave in the orchestra as well, I’d rather write a Critical Note in the commentary.
What do you think?

PS: for the records, the piano part also has “Adagio non tanto” two bars earlier.

Probably an engraving error in the original. (I frequently come across 18C parts that have incorrect multi-rests, rendering them effectively unplayable!)

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Honestly, the early key change doesn’t even make sense anyway… the very first chord has to have f naturals to cancel half the key signature, and then the rest of the notes are just a bunch of (I presume) A’s. Just change at the double barline.

If you absolutely MUST imitated this oddity (color me a skeptic) then you have to use independent time signatures for each instrument, but this could have major knock-on effects if you’re not very deliberate and careful.

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If we knew the clef of the cello, we might be able to know, what harmonics are sounding in that bar. Cellists to the front @PjotrB :wink:

That’s in tenor clef for sure (see KS at double bar). The first harmonics are sounding A5, the harmonic melody fits entirely in D major.


Thank you all.
I will indeed keep the key signature change at the double barline.

Another occurrence of something similar happened in another XIXc concerto of another but relatable German author where the piano part alone had a single bar in F-sharp minor because it really helped the reading in that context (orchestra was in G-flat minor with double flats flying around). In that case, I believe it was intentional, but here it makes zero sense, as @Romanos pointed out.

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…you are definitely the better detective…