Kontakt parameter names via Remote Editor are persistent?

Cubase 14. I wanted to try getting parameter names for a Kontakt 8 instrument (ISW Jupiter) some time ago for use in the Quick Control pane, and did so in the Remote Editor - that worked great. Some time later, I wanted to do it for another instrument, so this time I did it from the Inspector pane. What I got was the parameters from ISW Jupiter, with the desired parameters from the new instrument in parenthesis.

After a chat with tech support the next step was to reset the Remote Editor for Kontakt. So I did. Even with no parameters visible at all in the Remote Editor, when I used the QC panel in the inspector, if I requested parameters from an instrument, those original Jupiter parameter names would come up, with the parameters of the current instrument in parentheses afterwards.

That’s kind of troublesome. Kontakt reports all parameter names (which change from instrument to instrument). Not sure how this is supposed to work if the QC system is designed to treat each instrument of a sample player as if all the parameters will be the same every time. Or if I’m mistaken, I’d be glad to hear what to do about this.

Also: is there a way other than configuring a Generic Remote (for obvious reasons) to control a given parameter on that list that isn’t assigned to a QC remotely via a CC? For instance - the pan controls in Cinematic Studio Strings are automatable but not assignable to CC’s in Kontakt. I’d rather that my remote app handle those in particular along with the other parameters it controls with the dev-set default CC’s.