Korg SQ-64 integration w/ 13 (elements)

Hello returning to recording as a hobby after a number of years away. At one point I was a capable Cubase SX user, leveraging mostly VSTi’s. I am returning t the hobby now with a different hardware footprint. I have some external synths and a Korg SQ-64. I have had fun, in spite of its idiosyncrasies, sketching tracks. however I want to move those sketches to Cubase to start to add some polish.

I am relatively confused on how to accomplish this. This is the extent of what I have managed:

  1. Cubase recognizes the Sq-64 as a midi device (accomplished)
  2. Cubase to be able record incoming MIDI and Play it. I have done this through
    2a. Add midi track w/ router setup (in: Korg Sq-64 Seq, out: disabled)
    2b. arming the track in cubase,
    2c. starting record,
    2d.then playing on the SQ-64
  3. stop record
  4. change router to route midi out to "midi-plus’ device
  5. mute the track on he sq-64

Upon playback the midi notes trigger the desired device :slight_smile: so I know that my midi routing is logically sound (i don’t have sophisticated routing equipment yet: keyboards route in through a merge device into the Sq-64, and then out through a midi-thru device to my synths, sq-64 to laptop via USB) and I anticipated the need for an exclusive hold on the midi channel between cubase and the sq-64 to prevent 2x notes.

the problem are:

  1. The track doesn’t line up to the bars at all and I need to nudge things…
  2. The rhythm / tempo is off (they are not synced)
  3. really shouldn’t cubase be able to trigger the transport controls on the sq-64?

Any help nudging me in the right direction will be appreciated


You have to sync both devices.

Does that mean SQ-64 transmit synch and receives and external clock? And Cubase sends synch somehow?


The other way around. Cubase can be master only.

In the Transport > Project Synchronization Setup > Destinations enable the KORG MIDI Port in the MIDI Clock Destinations area. And set your SQ-64 to receive MIDI Clock.