Sorry, I’m new to D and having lots of trouble/frustration with “basic” things…
How do you start a measure with a dotted-quarter note rest when manually inputting music?
I see “o”=force-duration, “.”=dotted-mode, and “,”=rests.
So when I move into a new 4/4 measure and type the sequence “o . , 6” - I would expect to get a dotted quarter, but instead… nothing.
What key-combination will let me just enter a dotted quarter rest?
(I can “retroactively” enter and then go back and delete a fake note, or move up 4-slots on the grid, input a note, and then go back and merge the automatically inserted quarter+eighth-rests but there has to be a better way)
One possibility is entering the time signature 4/4 (with the shift-M popover) as [2+2]/4. I think that groups the beats the way you’re looking for, with a dotted rest at the beginning of the measure (assuming your first note is an eighth on the and of 2).
You know UX is not great when you have to type a 5-character sequence that only works in a specific order.
“y” isn’t shown in the interactive keyboard-shortcut page and while I do see “y” in the shortcuts-card under “Default Pitch” - what does that even mean?
The order is usually important, although here you can press “,” after setting the duration with “6 .”
So, both “o , 6 . y” and “o 6 . , y” will work.
“o” turns on Force Duration
“,” tells Dorico to input a rest rather than a note
“6” followed quickly by “.” sets dotted quarter as the duration
“y” inputs the default pitch which, in this situation, has been set to be a rest
“,” after the dotted quarter rest has been input will set input back to notes
Well spotted! Thank you.
I have corrected that last line in my previous post.
Slightly related - I saw some graffiti ages ago along the lines of
“Tottenham Hotspurs rule. OK”.
Following that, somebody had written
“Proofreaders rule. OQ”.
Also this entire thread is predicated on entering rests again. Next time try just entering the next note, and then there will already be a rest that you can more easily force to display a different duration.
This entry style requires a little backtracking, but to me it is far preferable to feeling you have to enter all the rests. I always work with implicit rests in grey, which I find not only helps me see which rests are explicit, but also lets me focus better on the notes because most of the rests fade into the background.
All the new Dorico users here are wonderful. I work in Dorico for hours every day, but I am learning a lot of new functions and shortcuts thanks to the great questions these power users are bringing.
I understand that that is the Dorico “approach” but the normal rendering would be a separate quarter rest and half rest - Not the dotted-quarter I was looking for.
Personally - going back and then forward measure after measure is not to my liking.