I’m sure there is something I’m missing, but how do I bring these l.v. ties into alignment? Thanks!
lv ties need offset.pdf (4.2 KB)
The offset controls are in Properties, in Engrave mode.
If you want to make them all a different length by default, there is a setting for that in Engraving Options.
Thanks, Mark!
@RVSLee, it would be great if you could attach screengrabs here in a bitmap format like PNG rather than PDF, since bitmap formats will appear inline in the forum, rather than requiring the linked file to be downloaded and viewed outside of the browser.
To change the default format for screen capture on your Mac to PNG, open Terminal and paste in the following command:
defaults write com.apple.screencapture type PNG
and hit Return. Next time you create a screengrab, it should be in PNG format, and when you drag it into the edit box here on the forum, you should see it right away in the preview on the right.
You might also be interested in third-party tools for screen grabs – the one I personally use is called Cleanshot X.
I found the default engraving option that I had clearly missed, (regarding start point alignments for ties from chords with notehead displacement for seconds.)
Thanks as always, and I will certainly stick with PNGs.