Laissez vibrer ties adding needless space at the end of measure

Hi all, I have an issue in a project I’m working on that involves quite a lot of laissez vibrer ties.

When these are placed at the end of a measure, they create a lot of unnecessary extra space at the end of the measure.

I’ve added two screenshots of two example measures, one without the ties and one with, so you can see the difference.

Any tips?

Well, that was silly – it seems like this problem only happens in galley view – when I switch to page view, it disappears.

(Please advise if I should delete the post or leave it up for others in the future.)

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I think it’s good to leave it there, especially since you found the answer. You should even grant your second post with the Solution mark, so that it appears right beneath your first post, making it very quick for someone who’s looking for the answer to find it :pray:


As you have discovered, Galley View is different from Page View. It is not intended to be the same, so I would not call it a problem.