Launch problem

Loaded Dorico with dongle plugged in.

Got No License found. Click Enter Activation Code to launch eLicenser Control Centre and enter your activation code.

When I do that I get a POS Error Message

File SYNSOACC.DLL could not be located in the Windows system folders.

What do I do now?

I would reboot and see if that fixes the issue.
If not, try a reinstallation of the eLicenser.

A reboot does not work.

I cannot get my laptop to see the dongle even though it makes a sound when inserted.

The sound on inserting comes from the OS.
But if the synsoacc.dll is missing, the eLC won’t see it.
In consequence no license can be found and Dorico not started.

Because of the missing dll I strongly suggest to reinstall the eLC.

I have copied it to the dongle, how do I install it to the other lap top?

If you’ve moved your license to your USB-eLicenser, then to run Dorico on your other computer, you simply install the USB-eLicenser into that computer when you want to run the software there.

It really does sound as if you need to reinstall eLicenser Control Center on the computer on which you’re having problems. You can download the latest version for Windows here.

Thanks Daniel! Keep up the great work!

Where do I find it for iMac?

For Mac, the current version of the eLicenser Control Center is here.

You can always download the latest version simply by going to in your browser.