Before I copy a few measures the spacing is good:
As soon as I copy into the last bar, the staff spacing turns into this:
- Why? What is Dorico making room for?
- How do I easily fix it?
Before I copy a few measures the spacing is good:
I can’t explain why, but, as you anyway will need space for bar three, why not insert a System Break after bar 2?
Thanks, I planned on that. The vertical spacing was the issue. I found that playing with the “justify distance” options in Vertical Spacing fixed it. Still trying to get my head around what that actually does…
It looks like you’re going to add more lyrics where Verse 2 starts, correct? If so, I recommend entering all your music, all your lyrics, all your articulations, all your playing techniques, all your dynamics, everything before you start worrying about how things look. Then, and only then start adjusting settings or putting in system breaks. (And of course start from a template that has all your preferred note groupings, casting off, vertical spacing, etc. already set). I engrave (or proofread) hymns on a daily basis. Having engraved many like your example I can almost guarantee that once you put some lyrics at the start of where it says Verse 2 the formatting will change and be more pleasing.
Very well said, James!
Great advice, finished my little project and everything looks great.