Layout template modified when imported and applied

I created a project for the purpose of making templates and created a template set called “JRO Part”.
When editing a score in Engrave mode, I import the template set and apply it to each part.
On the bass part the template looks like this:

However, on the piano part, it looks like this:

I did not edit it in any way and have applied no overrides to the template. Only the piano part looks like this.
How can I avoid modifying the template when applying it to a part?

It could be your template looks different on the left (even) and right (odd) pages. If your piano part is the only one looking different, it might be the only one starting on a different (odd) page. That’s just my guess; templates have to be copied over from even to odd pages…

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I verified that the left and right first page templates are identical as you can see.
Interestingly, if I edit the template on the piano part so it’s correct, all the other parts are messed up.
The piano part is the only one which is 4 pages, but I edited the trumpet part down to 2 pages (even number) and it’s still correct.

It seems that my only option for now is to make a template just for the piano, but this seems unreliable without knowing the cause of the issue.

I have attached the dorico file in case it’s helpful. If you open it and go to Engrave mode and select any other instrument, then the piano, you will see the template change.

Edited: I see that the piano part is set at paper size A4 and sax is letter. Changing piano to letter will fix it.

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Or enable the top and left anchors for that frame :person_shrugging: