Learn Midi CC values?


I have now set my keyboard knob and sliders between CC values 102-117. But for some reason some instruments don’t work on certain CC values when i press the “learn CC” and twist the knob. Where can I see the midi values that work with cubase´?

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If you don’t filter out any MIDI controller in the Preferences > MIDI > MIDI Filter, then any MIDI controller can be used in Cubase.

Just in case someone else looking for the answer like I was this morning…

You have to select Zone 5 and Slider 5 and then all works as it should. Otherwise, the encoders/knobs are only affecting the internal sounds or whatever is selected -usually zone 1.

So to use internal sounds, select correct zone and slider. To control VST’s on a computer, Zone 5 and slider 5 selected.

What do zone and slider refer to in your post? Can you make a screenshot?