Leave Justin Bieber alone!

Yeah, I believe Vince Neil from Motley Crue, after killing Hanoi Rocks drummer, Nicholas “Razzle” Dingley in a drunk driving accident, …he was slurring words to to the police who were apprehending him… saying “I’m a rock star man!”

The word ‘superior’ was never mentioned nor implied until now.

Freedom of SPEECH is different than freedom of ACTION on the beliefs or feelings that are spoken about.

he could do with a good probing too.

Justin Bieber, Leave us alone!

Just sayin’ …I mean you are pretty much just a little spoiled kid …I think we deserve a break!

Another way of looking at it :laughing: But then again, nobody has to listen to him, I certain don’t and would never, but this issue is not about him as it is a matter of point. The media has mad a big deal out of a comment he made when he was basically a little boy, on a daily basis for weeks. As irresponsible as it was by anyone’s standard, even by a boy pop star, it was caught on tape. He’s a young adult now, and he’s not going going to be repeating this. Besides it was a joke anyway, and as they say… if they can’t take a joke, they can go #$@% themselves.

You have mental issues.

You’re not a fan of The Bieb take it…is this because I’m a gay black man? :slight_smile:

Justin Bieber is a gay black man???

Thought the J was a girl!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Dipmcus is really a closet Bieb fan :wink: He’s got Beiber fever :mrgreen: