Left-aligned system mid-score?

Ps72ACC24.pdf (79.8 KB)
How do I left-align a system in the middle of a score? See attached for desired result; each verse begins on new line for cantor’s benefit. (That score is from MuseScore. I exported it as MusicXML and imported it into Dorico 5 Pro, but the empty horizontal frames were gone. New to Dorico, I looked in the help and forum and did an online search but still don’t know how to do it. Maybe I’m not using the right terminology. Thank you.

Welcome to the forum, @jrceloni !

I think you’re talking about the systems that don’t stretch all the way across, right? If you put each verse into its own flow, then there’s a setting in Layout Options you can adjust:

Edit: @FredGUnn 's solution is simpler than mine, unless you already have separate flows set up!

It’s simple to use the Note Spacing Tool in Engrave too. Gif below:


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Perfect, but it’s not working like that for me: I go to Engrave, Note spacing, see the squares, tap the white square at the end of the system I want to squish, and it turns blue. I try to drag it with the mouse, but it doesn’t move. I try with the left arrow too, but nothing happens. There must be another way to move it?

Thanks for your quick reply. That solution will be great once I get past the problem I’m having with it, but your flow solution has the advantage of working all the time without manual adjustments to note spacing. That might be worth the extra effort to set it up. (1) How do I break a score into separate flows? (2) How do I tell Dorico to keep the flows continuous (e.g. no heading, no page break)? Thanks again.

Use Ctrl+Alt+Arrow (Cmd+Opt+Arrow) to move them.

Perfect! I’m not going to mark it as Solution yet because I also see advantages to the multiple-flow approach since it’ll work automatically once the flows are set up; I just need to see how to split a score into flows and tell Dorico not to add headings or start a new page for each new flow. (I don’t know whether I can mark two posts/replies as Solutions for the same issue.) Dorico, MuseScore, Finale, and Sibelius all have learning curves; I have the highest hopes for this one. Thank you.

Moving items graphically:

Splitting an existing flow:

The settings for new pages and headings for flows are in Layout Options > Page Setup > Flows.