Length mismatches

I am getting nowhere with this program and doen’t know what is going on. After extracting layers and then importing into Cubase, I was working a lot on the bass track, editing and changing positions and then I noticed it wasn’t matching the original trtack in time. I zoomed out and saw that the imported layers all went beyond the song length, so all I’d done was useless. I had already reverted to save several times after other problems.

I started fresh and after extracting layers, saw they were the same length as the original within Spectralayers. So I worked on the adding to the bass which was initially missing much of the sound, and was on other layers. there was one section I tried to loop where it was just a drum solo, but I couldn’t match the beat locations of the song in cubase. I would click a spot and it would jump elsewhere. I tried to draw a selection, and had problems matching the section in the song, so I reverted again. Now I see that the whole length in spectralayers is only 231 measures, while the original was closer to 265. I can grab the ends of what seems to be a loop but it won’t go beyond 231 on the right. It is not playing any faster, so why are there fewer measures, as it ends the same. To match the video, the layers need to be the same length.

Previous mismatch, aborted when I zoomed out and realized nothing matched the original, were longer.

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