Library/Paragraph Styles/Flow Title/Border problem

Hello everyone,

When I want to frame the Flow Titles using :arrow_right:Paragraph Styles
it does not work, maybe I’m doing something wrong…?

:arrow_right: A capsule frame should appear around the flow title via paragraph styles as in the preview in the screenshot.
[:warning:Not a frame around the text frame in ‘Engrave Mode/Flow Headings’.]

I have enabled this in Library/Paragraph Style/Flow Title/ Border/Border Style: Capsule" (in my case), but the capsule border does not appear and other border styles do not work either, neither when the flow starts at the top of the page, nor when it follows to a previous flow on the same page and it did not work with other fonts either…

I attach the Dorico (Version file.

Can someone please tell me how I can solve it?
What is the difference between Flow Headings (Engrave Mode) and
Flow Titles (Paragraph Styles/Flow Title)"?

Thank you very much for your help!

Forum-FlowTitleFrame-XYZ-Jan062024.dorico (1001,6 KB)

You have to make sure you use the correct style here.
I don’t have your font.


Forum-FlowTitleFrame-XYZ-Jan062024.dorico (978.8 KB)


Thank you so much for your quick reply and help.
Sometimes I can’t see the wood for the trees :wink:

Yes, that happens to me too quite often.


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Hi @Tilman_Fricke, besides the solution given you by @jesele, I have two little tips for you First Page Template that are better explained with a short video.
(If you intended the positioning like in your file, please ignore my suggestions):

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Hi Christian,

thank you so much for taking the time and even creating an extra video. :+1:t2::clap:t2:
I do the vertical positioning of the frame content in the page templates roughly first and usually only finalise it at the end. I usually always put my name right-aligned relatively close to the notes on the first page to make the authorship clear even with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 titles.
Best regards, Tilman