Line cursor issue.

Anyone else having the line cursor turn into a thin white line when in cycle mode? If I stop and return to start the cursor is back to the normal white-black-white again. I wouldn’t mind having the old one-line cursor back, but this is a little annoying, and it looks like a bug.
I think it started after I updated to 9.5.20.


Still having this issue in Cubase pro 10. Am I really the only one? It’s actually a little worse in C10. I’ll try to post a video shortly to show what I am talking about.


Just faced this issue in Cubase 11 :roll_eyes:

regards, Alexander

Yes it’s still there. I even see it in tutorial videos by Steinberg endorsers now and then so it’s not just you and me!
I’ve gotten used to it, but it would be cool if they could fix it at some point.


If I understand the version history of the latest Cubase update correctly, this issue should finally have been fixed.