Lines and condensing (harm. gliss.)

I have an issue with a “fake glissando” in the Horns of an orchestral score. In order to show the words “harm. gliss.” above the line, I cannot use the glissando tool but the line tool with text. I obviously created a line for each player, but when I enable the condensing in order to engrave the score, only one line is showing.

See the attached pictures (before and after Condensing). Is there a way to achieve the two lines, one for each player? Or do you know a better workaround to achieve this?

Thank you!

Hi @lgg96, how did you set the start and end position of the horizontal lines in the panel before applying them? If you set the start and end position to rhythmic grid position they will amalgamate and appear horizontally at the top, after condensing (as in your after screenshot), overriding so any manual positioning that you may have done before condensing.

If I set them to notehead, and changing the rhythm display (with Force duration) so that the beam and tie are not in the way (and so that is more clear that the gliss. is for the full duration of the notes, even if the third beat is not explicit), after condensing, I have two lines that I can individually position in Engrave mode:


Dorico file example:
horizontal lines condensing custom positioned.dorico (534.6 KB)