Lines in text boxes

I would like the possibility to be able to draw lines and simple graphics like arrows (as you can in Word) so you can create things like in the example:

I would definitely create such things in Word or whatever software you’re comfortable with. You need only a few music glyphs, which you can find and copy from the SMuFL spec and size to taste. (I’ve linked directly to “Beamed groups of notes” and you can see the other categories on the left.)

Use the Bravura Text font, as that has all the glyphs without the huge default line spacing of regular Bravura. Let us know if you aren’t finding Bravura Text on your computer.

The Lines panel provides these kinds of lines:

Yes. But they are only possible in music frames. Not possible to make in text frames.

True, but it’s also difficult to add music in text frames as well!