Link to NU 6 complete feature list?

Dear Steinberg team,

is there a link available to a complete feature list of NU 6 which I could forward to a prospective user? To be honest, I wasn’t able to find one on the main Steinberg homepage.


videos on youtube … have you downloaded the 400 hour demo … i used that to learn the program … i bought the program and still had 300+ hours left … best way to learn it … demo and youtube videos …

just my .02



Thanks a lot, John - my “demo” of Nuendo lasts for 14 years now. :smiley:

I’m asking for a written feature list. Many people - e.g. institutional purchasing agents - still want to skim over a text in 30 seconds rather than watching hours of videos.

But thanks again for your friendly suggestion.

deafening silence :unamused:

… so I take this as a “No, we have no tabular, comprehensive list of features of Nuendo 6 available for prospective users/buyers”?
